The Auction House

The Auction House (AH) is the heart and soul of every possible way of accumulating wealth. Using this tool will be the most important factor in your accumulation of gold.

Used correctly, it can serve as the biggest advantage to attaining riches, but can also be downfall to your character if used without the proper knowledge. 

Knowing how to overcome the pitfalls of the AH, and how to take advantage of all of its different possibilities will allow your character maximum gold earning potential.

Understanding the economy on a larger scale of your entire server will help you to understand the micro-economy of your Auction House. 

The basic tenets of money making (buying low, selling high) will help you to gain the most gold, as will having as much knowledge as possible, such as average prices, ranges, items, and profits.

The Auctioneer AddOn (google: auctioneer addon), and others, will help you keep, collect, and analyze this data in easy to read sheets, drop downs, and browsers. Like having the pulse of the Auction House in front of you, the condensing of all of the information available into an easy to read format will allow you to scan more quickly, and buy more intelligently. 

Random buying, though, is not always rewarded with profit, and using this portion guide will help you to understand how you can use AH effectively and make the gold that is there for the taking. 

The basic daily strategies are presented step by step, and knowing the basic principle (buying low and selling high), will help you to dominate the economy as I have for years, and at one time through nine different servers.

Using each of these add-ons will put you in the premium position for economic success, and, like me, running the auction houses that are the essential component in your money-making life as a successful character.

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